Originally Posted by VirginiaR
What a sweet WAFFy Christmas fic. I didn't realize it was part of series. Someday, when the Earth stops rotating and I have free time again, I hope to get to them all.

Love the comparison between the Lane family and the Kent family Christmases. Is there anyone who would want the former rather than the latter? While both are about community, that is where the similarities end. Was the really the first time Clark met Ellen?

I love how Martha has already shared her family cookie recipe with Lois, knowing before Clark that Lois will soon be officially a member of their family. I also love that neither man (or even Lois) noticed. LOL. Martha is so sly.

You should write more one-part stories, Folc4evernaday, so everyone who doesn't have the time to read your long fics can see what a great writer you are. I enjoyed this very much.

Awww! Virginia you're so sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed this one. This started out with the Guy Rule Number One and then continued on to Rules of Trust and then Rules of Battle. It will eventually be a ten-part series. I'm glad you enjoyed this little snippet. I wanted some down time for LnC after all the craziness they'd been dealing with. Yes, the Kents' Christmas is definitely preferred. This was Clark's first time meeting Ellen. I thought the cookie tradition was fun. Figured it was something Martha would enjoy doing too. love

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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