I'm still reading this one and enjoying it! I'm going to echo Maria's comment about Lois and Jenny's conversation thumbsup

I really like what you're doing here, and the parallel to TOGoM.

And I couldn't go away without remarking on this:

“Hello, sexy,” he said, and he could almost hear her smile through the phone.

“Hey you,” she answered playfully. Behind her voice, he could hear rapid footfalls and the sounds of her moving through the apartment.

“Sorry to be calling so late, and sorry if I woke your mother....”

On the other end, he heard the click of a latch, and a relieved sigh from Jenny. “Don’t be silly,” she said, her voice still light. “I know that you living dead types are creatures of the night....”

CJ clutched his free hand to his chest. “She struck first, I’m hurt,” he said with a laugh. “But, yes, it’s stereotypical but true.”

This is funny, but also you can see how much they care for each other - and you can just feel their chemistry. love

So more soon smile