wow, what a super beginning.
What the hell is up with women, and wearing thier men's shirt? *Looks down at what she is wearing and sniffs the cologne* Mmmmm...now I do. <G>
Oooohhh, great start! I love revelation fics.
Ah, but the detail that stuck in my mind is that Lois is sleeping in Clark's shirt, even though they have apparently never found themselves in a situation where it would be in any way natural for him to forget his shirt at her place. Except... Well, they simply must have done some serious cuddling, though!
WOW! what an wonderful and beautiful start i read it twice.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my story and those who read and lurk but don't post I thank you too! smile laugh

Now off to post Part 2 in 5 min because I won't be around this weekend to post it. Hope you all enjoy! smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be

"Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is."
~Mary Anne Radmacher