Lovely, Lynn notworthy hyper notworthy!

What a great story, and also, what an awesome sequel to your first written fanfiction smile.

The story itself had me totally entertained. Laughing and smiling constantly grin. The creativity was evident everywhere--and, on a side note, I have got to say, I really was also impressed by the dialogue hail.

Dialogue really is something I pay a lot of attention to. That, to me, is what makes the story come alive. If I can picture Lois or Clark or whoever it happens to be speaking what I am reading? The story becomes almost 'real' as I'm reading it. That is what really sells me on writing.

And you know what? I was SOLD dance !

You add so many extra details into what you write--the words you choose, what in the pieces you put in (or sometimes don't) that add so much character. But what I've always noticed about your stories, what I've always really loved about your stories, is your ability to make the dialogue real. What a great read!

Awesome ending, too, btw laugh !

Thanks so much for the enjoyment I received from reading (both) of your stories this morning. You've made my day smile.

***And, just for a moment, I have to echo what has been said already....

Please, if you feel compelled, donate to this fundraiser. This show, this fandom, these stories, it's all worth so much to so many people. I feel truely blessed to have found this little place in the internet--really, when I needed it more than ever a few years ago. You all have been such a wonderful, stable, supportive influence in my life. I can't even begin to think of all of the countless hours I've spent reading stories on this board, FDK'd on this site, or snuggling in and reading story (after amazing story) on the Archive.

The history and longevity of these L&C-related boards, that were created and sustained from a show--which only aired for 4 seasons, and which now has been off the air for 20 years--is completely a testament to quality. Quality of the amazing characters in Metropolis that we all fell in love with...quality of the wonderful fans of this television show and love story...AND the quality off superb talent that has graced these boards through the years--determined that this wonderful place, show, fandom will not be forgotten.

Lets keep it going for many more years to come! smile

Last edited by LMA; 05/15/17 09:55 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~