Originally Posted by chickberry
Great ending. I liked this wedding setup so much better than both of the originals. It was short, to the point and didn't drag on and on and require Mike intervention. I expected an uninvited guest but was expecting Lex or Metallo to show up and spoil the wedding. Glad it wasn't either of them.

I like that there's still so many unknowns for the next story. What all does Sam know? Does lex believe the smallville file? How will lex handle both superman and intergang? Where's Nigel? Is there something wrong with this baby?

I'm looking forward to the next story and good job in this one. Seems like it's been awhile since we had a long story with a sequel.

Thanks chickberry! I'm glad you liked it. I know there's still a lot of questions but I had to leave enough unraveled in order to have enough material for the next story. I've already got half the story written in my head I just got to get it all out and pieced together which I'll have more time to work on come May. smile thumbsup

Yeah, I toyed with the idea of putting Metallo / Lex at the wedding but thought better of it. I figured they had already been through a lot and didn't need anything taking away from their day. I figured Darryl was just a small nuisance that could be taken care of discreetly without ruining the wedding.

~ Folc4evernaday

Jodi Picoult - You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.
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