The Magister Trilogy - Celia Friedman:

Wings of Wrath
Legacy of Kings

This trilogy never flagged. The great success of the author was in making characters that in any other trilogy would be the stone-cold, black-hearted villains of the piece the heroes and heroines. Given the dark evil at the heart of their existence and the casually callous way they used it, it should have been impossible to root for them - and yet....

The Fireman - Joe Hill

I did enjoy this PA novel, but I didn't find it the classic or phenomenal piece of work that the rave reviews suggested and I do wonder how much of that adulation is down to his famous father. Having said that, it was a decent enough story.

The Absent Gods Trilogy - David DeBord:

The Silver Serpent
Keeper of the Mists
The Gates of Iron
The Glyphs of Riza (short story bonus)

I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy trilogy. There were strong echoes here and there of Jordan's Wheel of Time but that didn't detract too much and I greatly enjoyed that the 'chosen one' was a woman for a change. wink Strong characters and an exciting plot kept me entertained.

The Imposter Prince - David DeBord and Ryan A Span

A bit more simplistic than Absent Gods but engaging all the same. My only complaint was that it ended rather oddly as far as the romantic sub plot was concerned, as though the authors realised they'd boxed themselves into a corner and didn't have the nerve to take the big decisions to properly resolve it.

LabRat smile

Last edited by LabRat; 02/21/17 09:15 AM.

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers