Darth Michael: Hi, Michael! wave
So this is the ominous one-parter
Yep. This is my Epic squeezed into a one-parter. Take your Tylonal first.

Looky there! I see you’ve started Netflixing The Flash.
That I have. It's what has distracted me from WC... well, it and Gotham.

LOIS: What’s this with another female investigative reporter and another STAR Labs. Something’s fishy!
It's almost as bad as stealing all the characters from another superhero's life and using them for your show. Oh, wait. That one won't be on Netflix for another year. frown

Where are you in the season?
My kids have insisted on watching The Flash with me, so we're somewhere between 8-10 episodes into S1. Flash just lost his powers and got them back again and Iris is starting to channel her inner Lois Lane while drooling over the Flash.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
“Iris, you know that Superman’s dead.”
/EW did WHAT?!/

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
I wonder how Lex Luthor would’ve faired flying thousands of miles in space to tackle a meteor the size of Metropolis.”
ER: /Guesses as well as that bug in MIB/
Yep. About like that.

Originally Posted by ER
Originally Posted by CT
“Iris,” he said sternly. “The Flash…” He paused before amending his statement. “Superman isn’t the Flash.”
ER: /thinks the whole premise of this theory is hilarious/
Um... peep okay.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
“Batman wasn’t Superman either, I suppose?” Iris retorted.
ER: /realizes that EW did actually go THERE/
BATMAN: /Iris has lost her brains/
Well, technically, she was right... about her Batman not being the real one.

She’s a reporter and those are just facts, not pictures?
It's part of her disguise. As Iris, she shouldn't recall the exact name of the Prometheus. Barry... er... Clark would know the exact name.

Wait, what’s the name of that super hero who got his powers from an atomic blast.
Was that Atom? Or Captain Atom?

Aside from that, we have Batman and Vicki Vale, Superman and Lois Lane, and The Flash and Iris West. It sure is a pattern of trying to score with the hot reporter in town. Must be the same dude!
That was my theory.

Yes. Not even a shadow of a body!
Details. Details.

A giant bat flying around between the twisted towers of a radioactive wasteland?
JOKER: We just call it 'home'.

If he’s superfast? Plus, it helps with keeping a honey in every city. Imagine if they found out they’re all dating the same guy!
Why it's good that he can fly too.

So, you’re not going with the dark-skinned Wests?
Nope. Vicki was blonde. Iris has auburn hair in this story.

IRIS: No, I went by Ororo Munroe.
Wrong league.

Good skin care? Regular exercise?

ER: /Likes my reference to the Black Knight films/
I much prefer Gotham and the original (Michael Keaton) versions.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
My Batman had more sense than to run around with a skank like that.
What Cat Grant could never have been a cat burglar on the side?

You mean, like Harvey Dent and Two Face?
I don't think that Harvey can continue being Harvey after he becomes Two Face, can he?

No, sounds to me like he’s a bit of a…well…if the name fits
Confused young orphan? [Linked Image] Strange. His name isn't Cyo.

By his smile….Oh, right. Duh!
She does mention getting her Batman to smile (another reason she knew he couldn't be the real one.)

Well…duh! But she does sound like maybe she needs a date with Maxwell.
She's trying to have less dates with psychos, but it's a fine line to walk on when searching for one's soul mate.

But Lex is *ooooold*!
Maybe he wasn't in this universe. peep

See! /points to above note/
Great minds walk in the same gutter.

He can adapt his body, make bits and pieces grow larger and smaller as need be?
She was talking about his face.

But Bruce Wayne could also be a crime boss. Just like Bill Church!
Explains his adoption of a young circus performer.

Yep. She’s totally cuckoo.
Barry reads superhero girlfriend checklist, makes a check mark next to "cuckoo".

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
“If you like.” She shrugged. “A name is merely a label that can be peeled away. What matters is the person underneath.”
CANON LOIS: See! What I’m saying all the time!
I'm guessing she's still mad that he didn't tell her.

TRASK: In my defense, they were *flying*!
Exactly! Well, at least one of them was. Kind of. Hovering for a long time.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
So, he created a new super identity and a fresh start in Central City as the Flash.”

“Why are you telling me all this?” he asked.
Wait. What? No way! /help/
What? Iris/Lois/Vicki couldn't be right?

See! No way!
BARRY: Good thing is, I can run away very fast!
But she doesn't want him to run. She wants him to fly.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by CT
“The costumes keep getting in the way.”

“Uniforms,” he corrected as she pressed her lips to his, taking away his breath.
No way! /shock/
Yep. She's THAT good.

I think you just re-invented Soul Mates!
But technically, Batman (#2) and Superman didn't actually die.

HGWells: I claim copyright infringement!

But I bet her martial arts and her vocal skills came in handy as Black Canary.
lol No, she didn't go that way.

But let’s see, that’s six different superheroes, at least. She sure is the ultimate Super Groupie!
You did see Lois on Smallville, right? I think she dated the entire League before settling on Clark.

Originally Posted by Michael
Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
My head hurts.
It just seems as if Lois/Iris/Vicki has crammed a whole lot of living into her less-than-thirty-closer-to-twenty-five years. She was twenty-six when L&C started. And what about Lucy? Was one of them adopted? Maybe that's part of the reason Lois/Iris/Vicki was always so mature.
I wonder if maybe they both also did some time travel?
Only to another dimension where Clark's folks died when he was ten. So, an alt-alt-dimension. wink Well, actually, they were born there, so no real travel involved.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Last edited by VirginiaR; 11/02/15 03:07 AM. Reason: typo

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.