You know how that last day you have to work before going on vacation? It's hectic because you're trying to finish little projects, and long because you're counting the hours? Yeah, that's me today. frown

HiddenMoon - I knew it sucked! Some of the time between posts is spent psyching myself up to put the next part out. At first I was thinking you meant "E.L. Doctorow" and I wondered just how wordy I was becoming. Then I realized, no, that's not it. The name was familiar, but I couldn't place it so I did a Google search. Then I alternately laughed and shuddered. I haven't read those books, but I've heard how awful they are. I hope I'm not seriously being compared with her. eek

It's just that it's been one of "those" weeks, if you know what I mean... By the time I have a moment to spare on the boards my brain is so crippled that I can barely articulate a sentence in my own language, yet alone in English! :P
I do know what you mean! I'm having one of those weeks (months… years…) myself. My only solace is that today is my Friday. clap

I swear, when I read this I almost screamed something like "WTF?! Leave her alone!!!": I really wish Lois could slap him in the face like he deserves (and I know she'd want to, too :P)
You know sometimes evil gets rewarded and bad things happen to good people. Hopefully not in this story, but I don't want to discount the possibility. wink

OMG, he's so sexy when he mocks her like that... Even more than when he hangs around wearing only his undies and a thin, glistening layer of sweat. Well, almost. Sort of.
Yeah, sort of. lol You get both here since he's wearing only his undies AND teasing her at the same time. thumbsup

By the way, would you lend me your Clark for the weekend? By the time it takes to Friday night I would have earned him, I swear!
Absolutely! I'll be otherwise occupied this weekend, so I will free him from my closet. I warn you now, though, that while he's funny and sweet and amazing at household chores, he's excessively faithful to Lois. grumble Still, you can probably convince him to hang around in his boxers. He can be excessively accommodating like that. laugh

Morgana - Greetings, back! wave

Ewk! Lex has nothing better planned for Lois than imprisonment. Run Lois, Run!!
She should run! But imprisonment is not what he has planned.

It's a very good thing he got out of the area when he did. The prolonged exposure slowly drained his strength. Than he gets to 'sunny' Hawaii and its raining! The man cannot catch a break!
Not yet, he can't. laugh

Yeah, that would probably be a really good idea! But in your current state, now is not the best time to contemplate the battle royal that would take place afterwards.
The fear of that battle is what keeps him quiet each and every time he thinks about telling her.

Please don't take too long with the next posting. This is an excellent story!
Thank you! blush I have the next part ready to go, I'm just hoping to hear from the rest of the gang before I post.

Thanks again, you guys! sloppy

Last edited by Sue S.; 10/21/15 09:42 AM. Reason: Word change for clarity

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis