First things first - I'm SO glad to see a new part up. When you emailed me and said you'd be away, I was had this horrifying thought that the story might be delayed.

He’s starting to understand. He’s starting to realize that he doesn’t have to act like a living sacrifice, that he doesn’t need to buy his acceptance here. He’s starting to believe that there’s more. More for him.


Sometimes her excuses can’t reach past the bars of the prison (the mask, the armor) he keeps around himself.

Yeah, well, I think even canon Clark could have those moments.

Something hopeful and tender and surprised and grateful in his eyes

How he always looked at her, if she'd ever taken the time to notice it.

Patience and understanding aren’t traits the old Lois Lane possessed

Understatement of the year, methinks.

James hadn’t skipped a beat before wringing a promise out of him to cook them all a real meal.


“You’re definitely a better cook than me,”

So is any 4 year old with an Easy Bake Oven, but it's good to see her teasing him again.

Only her who longs for something so specific and so impossible.

<shakes head>

“I have something else for you,” he says, and sets a sheaf of papers down before her.

Swiss chocolate?

Clark has been waging his own campaign,

Ah, even better!

In short, she notices all her own tactics being used against her.

Hehehe! Smart man.

Because if she can write again, then that means she can destroy Clark’s life all over again,

No, Lois. Now, more than ever, you *don't* have that power. Because you finally love him.

But if I start writing articles about events and people in Coast City

Ahh...good point.

and he does not bring his lips to hers.

I can understand why, but *man* that's disappointing.

Wait, what? You stopped *there*???? But...but...we need more. So much more! You're such a devious tease!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon