Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
[Linked Image] A lot sooner than I expected it! Things will get much more interesting now!
You've no idea!

clap dance Eagerly waiting next part! hyper smile1

It's on its way.

Originally Posted by groobie
clap clap clap

OMG...Clark slightly dangerous and out of control, pushing Lois up against the lockers and kissing her, and Lois kissing back, and letting the buttons fly...SO HOT!!!
Oh yes. I like slightly naughty, out of control Clark. Not too keen on completely out of control or evil Clark though.

I like that she wasn't freaked out or angry by his behavior, but was instead concerned for him - she didn't run away from him, but sought him out. Bodes well for the future. wink
Of course. Lois in SV is actually extremely understanding and loving when it comes to Clark.

Wow...Lana caught on quickly, didn't she? There's a short fic on the archives (can't think of the name right now) where basically everyone in Smallville knows Clark's secret - they've been around him for too long and it's so obvious, but they just don't say anything. I totally feel like that would be true! So it doesn't surprise me at all for Lana to see the truth that quickly.
I know the fic you mean. But I could also see Lana figuring it out here ... especially as she saw him dissapear in a second!

As I've said before, I didn't watch the last few seasons of "Smallville", so I certainly didn't recognize any of the scenes, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of this part at all. thumbsup
Yeah, I know that some readers haven't watched the last few seasons, and some haven't watched the first ones. LOL.

Yep, I'm definitely inspired to write a few pages for my latest nfic tonight. grin
Oooo. Glad I inspired you. And even more glad that it was a groobie n-fic I inspired!!!

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."