Yes, imagine my consternation since I had beta'd the story. I thought senility had crept up on me!! grumble
So, since the Kerth site still has the "old" story length, here is what Ken posted for his word count.
PML - Matchmaker Style clock in at - 190 K
HiM - Matchmaker Style clock in at - 139 K
ASU - Matchmaker Style clock in at - 181 K
Witness - Matchmaker Style clock in at - 132 K
Illusions of Grandeur - Matchmaker Style clock in at - 122 K
Hattie and Mr. 'X' Matchmaker Chronicles Volume 1P clocks in at 213 K
Halloween in Metropolis - Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 CD 29 K
Thanksgiving in Smallville - Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 CE 28 K
I just checked and the list of Eligible Stories contains the original numbers for Ken's stories and Annette has said previously in a post that that is what they are going by, I guess we need a formal ruling or else change the numbers for Ken's stories that were not yet posted to the Archives.
The change is that all of Ken's stories in this list go to Mid-Length except for "Hattie and Mr. X".

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis