Originally Posted by DebbieG
Yay! No characters were harmed in the making of this fic. And they deserve a change after four boys in a row!

Very nice!
Yup, no characters were harmed ... well, physically, um, emotionally, um ... there was some harming, but it was temporary. grin

They definitely deserve a change after boys!

Originally Posted by Female Hawk
What a lovely story, Victoria!

Having been through a couple of anxious moments in the labour ward, I thought you captured the feelings of fear and helplessness really well.
Really? That's good. I had some strugles in both my labours, but they were actually pretty 'normal' struggles, so I wondered how well I'd do at getting this.

I love how you managed to give us a happy ending without jumping forward in time or leaving us hanging and just hoping things would work out.
I didn't want the fic to drag on too long, or have an unexpected jump in time, but I still wanted to round off the whole story.

X-ray vision sure comes in handy occasionally!
*nods* Hands up who would like x-ray vision!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. God bless.

Thank you. And you too. Good to see you on the boards, you are missed. *hugs*

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
peep I just realized that with my frantic holiday schedule, I never commented on Part 3 of your story. peep

Forgive me.
Oh, okay, I forgive you.

I did read it, when you posted it (or within 24 hours) and until this very moment, really thought I had commented. smile Can I blame my family for stealing my brain cells? hyper Please, can I?
Blame whoever you want. grin

Yea for Clark for reassuring Lois that she and the baby were okay. He really is the greatest!
Of course he is, that's why we are all in love with him (speaking for the female population here on the boards)

I was expecting bed rest, but taking a pill every four hours for three months? Yikes! That sounds scary and horrible.
I guess it's something you get used to after a while. I also know of two women who had to inject Hepparin into their stomach once a day during their pregnancies to prevent blood clots (one being my sister-in-law). My eldest daughter has inherited this condition from her father so she will have the same when she gets pregnant. We haven't had the youngest daughter tested yet.

It's bad enough when they wake you every 4 hours to take your temperature and blood pressure while you're in the hospital, but for 3 months? Good thing Lois has a type A husband who will stop saving a burning building to call her to remind her to take a pill at 3am. Of course, it will have Lois ready to be up every four hours for when the baby arrives.
Thank goodness for Clark, eh?

Thank you for not WHAMming us too hard and giving us a semi-happy ending to your story.
I purposefully didn't put a WHAM warning, because ... nothing bad actually happens.

I'm glad that Lois got her Christmas wish. It will only make sure appreciate her daughter all the more. What a lucky girl to have 4 older brothers. Let's hope they're like Clark.
Oh, they are. Definitley. I even have 4 next-gen love stories sketched out for these four boys. Chances they will be written ... 1%. frown

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."