Originally Posted by VirginiaR
KatherineKent: Hello, Muse! wave
Hello Author. wave

Yay. Everything is right ... and you skipped a load of scenes from the episode that are nothing at all to do with the WAFFYness needed for this story. Yay.
smile Well, now that I know how to do this technique I'll have to try it with other stories. [Linked Image]
I'll believe that when I see it. (oops did I say that out loud?)

Squealed! Is that in delight, or in horror. Does she not want to see him?
That would be a squeal of panic.
I think Lois squeals in panic quite a lot ... dangling over a vat of acid, dangling from a pole on the side of the building, dangling ... um, I see another pattern.

Aww. Clark is so lovely.
Isn't he? smile
Yeah. Can I keep him?

He heard!!!! Yay.
CLARK: Is it cheating to use one's super powers to advance oneself in a relationship?
LOIS: Not if the relationship is with me.
LOIS: He can absolutely use his super powers in every aspect of our relationship. Mmm hmm.

Still trying to show that he's a gentleman, and would never have impure thoughts about his partner! *sigh* she wants you to have impure thoughts, Clark.
Of course he has impure thoughts. Otherwise he wouldn't have noticed what he had said could be misconstrued as impure. Plus, the recognition of said impure thoughts make them flash quickly across this mind.
I love seeing that 'gentleman' Clark is not always ... a gentleman in his mind.

In the U.S., we're taught to count 1-Mississippi, 2-Missisippi, etc. when learning to time the length of seconds. I figured Merriweather would be a good substitution for our reporters. smile1
I've done the same, but sometimes it is 1-one thousand, 2-one thousand, etc

Originally Posted by KK
Originally Posted by WaMD 3
Do gentlemen prefer blondes?
Ta da! The punch line.
Well, Clark did seem to prefer blondes until Lois...
You know ... what if the real punch line is that Clark does prefer blondes ... but Lois just knocked him off his feet unexpectedly. Maybe ... if Lois wasn't around, he really would be after all the blondes!

Oh yes. I remember her saying that. I knew Clark had misinterpreted it.
That's the fun in such stories. "Noises Off!" is a good example of misinterpretation and confusion in a farce. I recommend the Chris Reeve version with Carol Burnette.
Seen it, got it. Plus ... I played Poppy (the assistant stage-manager) in a local AmDram production 15 years ago.

Thank you. It's definitely a different direction that I've ever gone before with the characters. I wasn't sure I could do this plot justice. I'm glad you enjoyed it. dance
You did fantastic.

Thanks for writing this for me Virgina. *hugs*
You're welcome. *return hugs* wave
*hugs again*

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."