Another excellent part Wendy. The desperation and feelings of hopelessness are so powerful and tangible; you have a way of writing that draws the reader in to the story. And we actually have a ray of hope, a silver lining emerging through the clouds in this part.
“Dr Sutton called the Planet. The latest lab tests have just come back. They’ve got a positive ID on the poison!”
However, from what I have gathered from your other excellently written and angst filled stories is that that the silver lining comes with a touch of gray (that is a Grateful Dead song reference if anyone was wondering.)
Please post the next part soon!


Who is hoping to avoid institutionalization and read the next 10 parts with sanity intact.

"But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all."

-Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"