Now that we know who the potential killer is, the only question is; will Lois and Clark make the connection in time, and even if they do, will it help?

In classic deadline fiction it always comes down to the last possible second before the solution is found and the problem resolved. Considering how this is going and the inferrances made about the escalating effects of the poison, it seems likely that Lois could,and should, suffer some lasting consequences from her exposure. If this goes down to a 'last minute' type of thing, there has to be some lasting negative effect. Or at the very least, a long and difficult recovery.

According to the doctor's original 'reports' Lois really doesn't have 24 hours to solve this problem, only 24 until she actually dies.

Tank (who thinks it would be amusing if one of the progressive side effects is that Lois' hair begins to fall out... just a thought wink )