Loved this part. Loved everyone's reaction to Kara and Kara's reaction to the situation. Now we know this would never happen in RL as the Situation Commander would have never let an 11 year old attempt what he let Kara attempt even if she did have super powers as the risk would have been too great. He would have rather taken the heat from the situation going bad and many people dying that take the heat from it going bad because he put an 11 year old girl in the position to make a mistake. It actually might have been interesting to see how Kara would have handled a more hostile/resistant Situation Commander.

Of course a simpler solution would have been her flying in at high speed, picking the guy up, and flying him out of there. If he could not kill a bunch of kids I wonder if he would have killed himself alone. If he did of course Kara would not have been injured but the result would have been pretty traumatic to an 11 year old. Your solution while more complex and therefore less likely does fit with the story we are seeing. Of course discussing the reality of the situation solution when we are talking about a flying 11 year old girl with heat vision and being bullet proof seems a bit odd now doesn't it??


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham