I like the idea of pulling Kara's hair back as part of her uniform. I don't think that the Supergirl from the comics did that, so it would be a new look and another thing that wouldn't automatically make people think "Kara Kent".
I got the hairband idea from Superman: The Animated Series, where Supergirl was not Kal-El's cousin, Kara Zor-El, but lived on Earth as Clark's cousin, Kara Kent:

[Linked Image]

That Kara has bangs, though; this story's Kara doesn't. I'm not aware of any "official" Supergirl who wears her hair back. Also, in this story Kara's uniform is the traditional Superman colors, and rather more modest, as befits an eleven year old. Kind of like this image from Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade:

[Linked Image]

but with short sleeves, cropped leggings, and flats instead of boots.

Will the Kents be sending all of their children to this dimension to get all their powers at once and learn at Emily's Super School on how to be heroes, when this adventure is done?
I don't want to give too much away, but I think Emily will be resigning as headmaster by the time this adventure is done. wink