Watch "Beast" Asteroid Pass By Earth Live
On June 8, asteroid 2014 HQ124 will pass by Earth at three times the distance of the moon. It poses no risk of hitting us. Good thing, because it's 352 meters (1,100 feet) long!

Of course, it’s a little disconcerting that an asteroid large enough to inflict that much damage was only discovered about six weeks ago. There's also not a hell of a lot we could do about it, even if it were on course to hit us. In order to try and minimize the risk of our certain doom from asteroids, NASA and Slooh have teamed up for the Asteroid Grand Challenge, which empowers citizen scientists to help discover and monitor any asteroids headed our way.

dizzy Found this particularly interesting in light of how many fans have questioned the Nightfall episode in how could it be possible they didn't know about Nightfall sooner.