Oh, no! Not when Kara just had made friends with Megan. I hope Kevin doesn't spill his theory to Megan. I'm hoping that Kevin will be a nice guy and someone Kara will be able to be friends with. I'd hate for him to ruin her new life by one wrong word to his sister. Middle school girls can be the worst when it comes to teasing.

Sounds like Paige was jealous of Kara's smarts and trying to make herself feel better by badmouthing Kara. Definitely a good person for Kara to avoid. Hopefully, Kara will gain some self-confidence and people skills in her new dimension before returning home and dealing with her nemesis.

/steps on soapbox/ I'm not a big fan of people not having a land line telephone in the house. I keep one for safety reasons. I use it for local calls and for 9-1-1. Although, I must admit the telemarketers are a bit of a pain, especially for someone on the Do Not Call List. They all have a way around it. What if your cell phone dies, is lost, stolen, or your kids/guests/*you* need to reach someone? Also, I'd rather give people my land line and screen calls, and keep my cell number just for people I know. Kids don't need cell phones; they need to learn to communicate with each other face to face first. My daughter certainly won't have one at 11. At 16, I might give her a choice between a cell phone or a car. We'll see.

Before cell phones there were other things to get kids to tune out. I remember going on a field trip with my class in college once and being the only one a) looking out the window at the scenery (this trip was in Greece), and b) without a Walkman. The bus was silent. I found it sad then; I find the same thing with cell phones and iPods sad now. /steps off soapbox/

With one wrong word Kevin can ruin Kara's life. I'm sure he's put together Kara's name, what Megan said about Kara's folks/backstory, and his aunt's request for comic books and figured out *why* they haven't been able to reach Kara's folks. Hey! Maybe this is just the thing to get him to unplug from his video gaming.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.