“Whoever said I was human?”
I guess Clark's given up on subtle? huh

Really interesting, with a lot of movement and development in a short span of time. Lois is getting a really good look at the world Clark lives in now, isn't she? Though I think they're both in for some lessons with the Churches after them.

Notably, there was no television, no toilet and no sink.
lol Only a middle-class kid would put the television before the toilet in that sentence!

I nearly rolled my eyes at Lois's thoughts that Clark is living in squalor - for a lot of people in the world, Clark's little storage space is a really nice home! (Not rolling my eyes at your writing, but Lois's naïveté, which is sadly shared by too many people here in the US) Heck, even here, it wasn't uncommon at the beginning of the 20th century for a family to live in a one-room house, and obviously running water wasn't widely available. Clark's "lucky" to have the electricity and a little fridge.

Too bad it's technically illegal for him to be living in the unit. (Ugh, don't get me started on the problems with city regulations making it impossible for impoverished families to find affordable housing because of all the "required" luxuries...)

Looking forward to the discussion following Clark's bomb he dropped in Lois's lap.