So many ways this could go...

“It’s about my new roommate.”

Emily looked to her bedroom door. “Where is she?”


“So, what about her?”

Caitlin flopped down on the end of her sister’s bed. “When I agreed to let her stay in my room, you forgot to include the little detail that she’s completely insane!”

“She’s not ‘completely insane,’ honey. She just has… issues.”

Caitlin rolled her eyes. “‘Issues.’ She thinks her parents are Lois Lane and Clark Kent, and you call it ‘issues’?”

“Look, we don’t know why she’s saying that, but other than that she’s a normal eleven year old.”

“Saying your dad is Superman doesn’t seem very normal to me.”

Emily tilted her head. “I seem to recall a certain ‘Princess Nausicaa’…”

Caitlin waved her hands. “OK, OK, you’ve made your point.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Was I really eleven when I went through that? I thought I was younger…”

I loved this part.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham