Nice little shorty here! Agreed, Lois and Clark were CRAZY for waiting as long as they did.

So of course, my brain just zipped around to come up with a reason for it, and started positing all sorts of legal red tape they had to go through because of the original marriage certificate signed by the clone (Clark is legally married to the clone, but even though she's dead, there's no death certificate because she didn't have a legal identity, so he's still registered as married, and trying again to marry Lois would be bigamy.... GAH!!!! Somebody stop me, quick!!!)

I thought it might be Mxy when you mentioned the 5th dimension just before the epilogue.

My one complaint is the quick passing reference to Nor's invasion - I want to see more of that!!!! Sounds like an extremely dark future you've come up with there. I know, I know, that wasn't the point of the story, but first Nor coming in without a Superman to challenge him, and then Bureau 39 taking over the country?! Yikes!

Okay, enough procrastinating, I really need to get back to studying for exam, so that I can pass it on Tuesday and get back to work on my own writing. wink