FDK - The Second Half

Clark Kent was a very special man. He needed a woman who could embrace his differences. A woman unwavering in her love and support. A woman willing to lie in order to protect his secret. Someone he could trust implicitly. Someone he knew would never leave him.

Lois wasn't sure she wanted to be that woman.
Yeah. That's a bit much to take on after only one date.

But as she left her bedroom, the trash can caught her eye, nailing her feet to the floor.

The scraps of paper seemed to speak of a life in tatters.

Clark must feel as if she had ripped up his life and then walked away with callous indifference.
Oh, my, goodness! jawdrop What was in that coffee? Lois is thinking of someone else before herself! thud

Was he concerned she would print his story? Had he, like Jane, been checking the headlines every day?
Let's just go with "yes" on this one.

He'd placed his life in her hands. She'd been so blinded by her own raging emotions that she'd mercilessly stomped all over his defencelessness and scorned him for his naivety.

A wave of shame crashed over her.

He must regret his trust in her. He must wish he had lied. He must wish he had put his own wellbeing ahead of her demands for information.
I could see this. And, maybe he did for a while and then spending time with Shane helped him realize how big a secret it really was, he was asking her to share.

He had risked so much more than she had thought possible when he'd uttered that statement. He'd risked his way of life - his freedom, his job, his friends, his tenuous grip on normality. He'd risked it all.

For what?

For a chance to be with her?

Did that mean he loved her?

Would he understand her reaction? Would he understand that she'd needed some time to come to terms with the realities of his life? Would he give her the grace she hadn't given him?
I'm so glad she could understand Clark without him having to prove himself.

Could she ever love a man who wasn't human?

That question burned for her, too. Could she?

She did love him.

But would that love continue, day after day, for the rest of her life?
The first question is about prejudice and she proved she already knew the answer. This last one was personal and something we all struggle with when we find love.

With a sigh, Lois picked up her bag and went in search of a story. The lives of other people had to be infinitely simpler than hers was.
clap I love this line!

"Lois." The female voice was breathless with excitement. "Shane came to the office today. He says he stills loves me. He wants us to get married on Saturday."
Wow! That's quick.

I love that everyone trusts Clark, and I bet Jane would continue to accept him as a friend, secret and all.

"Clark is smiling a lot, but ..."

Lois understood immediately. Clark was pretending. He'd probably done a lot of that in his life. Pretended he fitted in. Pretended he was just like everyone else. Pretended he didn't care he was different.
mecry Poor Clark. Trying to be strong for Shane and Jane.

She wanted to be with Clark.

Even if he could fly.

Regardless of where he had been born.

The man … the heart … she wanted him. Nothing else mattered.
See that they - Clark Kent and Lois Lane - that together, they could be incredible.

"I'm coming, Clark," she muttered. "I'll be there on Saturday, and then ..."

She chuckled softly as his smiling face floated through her imagination.

"… and then, you'll never be alone again."
So much to quote... out of quotes... This part was amazing. I loved how Lois indecision slowly over time became acceptance and a decision.

I can't wait for Part 10! hyper

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.