
I know I kept telling you that I'd get around to reading this, and I finally have. I started yesterday, figuring I'd read a couple parts a day until I was caught up...2 hours later I'd gotten through part 21 and was hungry for more.

This is an excellent story, and long overdue if you ask me. I'd forgotten how much I liked your stuff until I opened this up. I like that all your characters have depth, but that Lois and Clark, though obviously thrown into different circumstances than what we saw on the show, are still Lois and Clark at the core. Clark had every right to be jaded at what life threw at him, but he made the most of things and stayed a good person despite it. Lois is very Lois, and has that season 1 cynicism, but she's also has a soft, vulnerable side, and she's willing to see the truth for what it is, no matter how improbable it seems. Now all we need is the happy ending. laugh

Hope to see more very soon. Best wishes to you and your sister.

AnnN. (Cindy)

To thine own self be true.