Queen of the Capes mentioned One Night -- I just echo'ed, btw.

This said, the only version of One Night in Bangkok I've ever heard is the one sung by Murray Head -- whichever version that is... It's the one I'd do *IF* I did that song. Which, you know... I might. Because I'm weird like that and every time I come see this thread I see another song I want to do.... aaaahhh!!! As if my vids-to-do list wasn't already long enough. *giggles*

Working on one now that's not on this list (but darn well might have been!) -- and when I'm done with that, we'll see.

Of course, if someone were to do a Yes song for me........ (whaddaya mean "bribery won't get me anywhere"? ah...! shucks!)

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies