I decided to try something new. This is essentially a fanfic, but in a different medium. It's a text adventure game. It's part of the Martha & Lara universe, but hopefully comprehensible without having to read all those stories beforehand.

Paul (Hatman) beta'd version 1.0 for me, and I made improvements based on his suggestions (If you get stuck, thank Paul that there's a hint file). Thanks, Paul! sloppy

He hasn't seen this version, though, so any mistakes/errors/bugs are still my fault. I tried to test it myself, just to make sure it can run without crashing. Nonetheless, if you do come across any bugs or problems, please post here and tell me. I can still make a fixed version if need be; it won't be too much trouble. (Unless the bugs revolve around two certain pieces of furniture...but I digress).

Seriously, though, please do tell me everything--the good, the bad, and the ugly. smile

The game is hosted on the MegaUploads website, and there should be a download button on the page. It's an EXE file.
Click here to download the game from MegaUploads.

And, well, that's it, I guess. The game was created on Tads3, and it was a lot of fun! If you haven't played text games before (or in a while), here's a Wikipedia Article . I hope it helps.

Have fun and Enjoy! smile
