You are so very welcome!

Okay. I didn't give you any fdk on it when I e-mailed you... I was saving that for here. <g>

<Big Waffy Sigh>

You know I love Rascal Flatts, right?

<Another Sigh>

And waffy videos? Well who can't use a waffy video as a pick me up from time to time?

<One more sigh>

<g> This was really nice Kelly. I loved all the scenes you used to show the "broken road" of their relationship (with Lex and Mayson as key components). I thought it was neat that you used the first stanza to show things from Lois's pov and then the 2nd stanza to show Clark's pov. And all the waffy moments... <okay, just one more sigh>

That final scene where she falls asleep on his couch... no, I won't sigh again... although it's very sigh worthy. <g>

Very nice!

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.