Wow, Gerry!

This is great. I love Anna'a raw emotions; her childhood is so sad. She has some similarities to Clark; feeling like a freak, an outsider, not understanding why she was so different. I just love that even though they were similar, they have turned out so differently. Dealt with things so differently. He grew to accept himself and use his powers to help, even when he didn't understand why he had them. At that same time, she was growing more ashamed of who she was, it seemed, never wanting anyone to know. Never wanting to openly help.

The recollection for her of conversations w/ her mother where they talk about her "talent" was beautiful.

And her struggles to understand who she was, and how Clark affected it was fantastic:

When you appeared and I realized we had the same powers, I lost my mythology. I wasn’t a human experiment, a human being. Instead, I was an alien from outer space. I was a little green man...okay, woman. There was nothing my parents could say or do to make me see that I was the same person after that revelation. How could I be? I wasn’t me anymore."
It's just a great great section! Well done!

~NICOLE smile