Excellent. I love the opening and how you made the video clips fire against the beat of the music. I love this song and I the angst/sadness, etc that is felt within both are paried well to me. I even love the font chosen and how you conected the text at the end.

I'm glad you made this video.

I just stared at it with a stern look.

I love how you told the story through these clips, I found it flowed well...no jumping or choppiness. Clips were not too long that you wanted them to end. They were there long enough to get the feeling, the point...the message. Fast clips gave it a necessary feel.

I've fought my way out of a situation - thank goodness. I knew some co-workers that either were able to fight - against people they knew - one of them was lucky when someone she knew 'interuppted'. Two other girls I knew couple sadly couldn't. I don't know how they are now. This was about eight years ago and as far as I know they just told some close friends.

I only know of one man who was raped by a woman. He was drunk and didn't want it, but she tied him up well when he passed out. He said he couldn't tell anyone because, *who* would believe him, he would get teased and he believed that she could turn the tables on him so easily and get him charged b/c sociey doesn't expect a man to be raped by a woman. He was not a physically strong guy.

Thank you for sharing and being a fighter.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.