Wow. I didn't expect this many comments so thank you!

YAY! New video I'll comment as I watch for the second time.

Awww a duck! lol sorry, that's probably not what you would expect in comments for the vid, but it's so cute
Alysehn, thanks soo much! I am glad you liked the duck. That's another one of my obsessions and part of it is an inside joke with my boyfriend. This (Lois and Clark) is my outlet when he is away at school, and I am missing him, hence the production company wink

Anyway I digress and say thanks again. If it wasn't for you showing me how to use the ripping programs, this would have never made it. Thanks! smile

Oh my freaking word!

I loved this Kelly.
DJ, thanks for some detailed and awesome feedback. Thanks again for sticking with me. Thanks again for pushing me and just thanks overall. It is nice to see feedback from such an accomplished woman on the boards wink . Anyway, thanks again. Glad it was worth the wait. smile

Fabulous video!
MrsMosley, thanks again for commenting on another Lost Ducky Production wink

I love this song more than I have right to, and I'd always wanted to see a vid for it... my only problem was that I had so much more of a fic in my head than actual clips from the show! So, to be honest, I was a bit wary about watching this (while being FREAKIN' excited at the same time ). Had it been any other vidder but you (and save a few others), I might not have trusted enough to watch something for a favorite song of mine. (Is that okay to say? I don't mean to slight anyone else or imply they couldn't have done well!)
I had to comment on this first Krafty because when you say story and you say you're thinking about it. I smile1

~Lois Lane Wanna Be

"Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is."
~Mary Anne Radmacher