Holy cow! Somebody took at shot at them! Was it just a warning shot? If so, it'll just make Lois more determined to find out what's going on, not to mention drive her to clobber whoever blew out her window.

But did the shot hit someone? If it hit Lois, how badly is she hurt? If it hit Clark, how will Lois take the knowledge that he's THAT different, assuming all his powers are back and he's not bleeding in the passenger seat?

And who shot at them, and why? It's obviously related to the thug who assaulted Pete. Are they getting that close to the truth, or is someone just afraid they're about to get close?

And how's Pete? Is he scared, badly beaten, or maybe even dead? How will he react to this attack?

What else was in the file that Clark peeked into while Lois was arguing with that detective? What did Clark learn about the case, and how will he deal with this new information?

The way you wrote this almost makes me think someone ran up to the car, smashed in the driver's window with a club or a crowbar, and THEN fired into the cabin. Wow! This is a great turnaround! But I have to know more!

Dude, you can't do this! You left us with one pinky finger holding onto the edge of the cliff! And it's slipping!!! Bring the net (the next post) and hurry!!!!!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing