Well, after seeing all the wonderful trailers come out lately, I decided I'd give making my own a shot because it looked so darned fun to do. I ended up doing a trailer for my own work in progress, in hopes of kicking my writing into higher productivity gear smile

This trailer is for Good Samaritan. Because of the nature of the story, I had to hunt around outside of the L&Cverse for some clips. You might or might not recognize them depending on your television tastes. Overall the experience of putting all this together was really fun.

The songs used, which I edited and smooshed together, are Caritas, by Lesiem, and Cantandus, by Magna Canta.

So, anyway, I bring you my first ever effort with video editing software. I hope you like it!


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.