1) Where do we see Clark jumping on top of Lois to protect her? Oh and this has to be *inside*, and not outside a building.
There was that scene in Don't Tug on Superman's Cape, where Lois is wearing his glasses and they are kissing, and suddenly they hear shootings and he jumps down on top of her to protect her.

2) Mention as many as you can where *Clark* screams, "No!!!" or "Lois, no!!!" (something like that <g>).
When Trask threw her out of the plane in Strange Visitor (the first kiss scene laugh ) he went, "Lois!" And I believe when Trask's men took her in TGGGOH he said that, too.

3) Except that one time in "We Have a Lot to Talk About" (the hugging-scene), Clark never did reject Lois touching him, right?
Like Anna, I was thinking about Lethal Weapon. You can also see if you can find anything in the clone arc, he may be rejecting her.

4) Name as many as you can where someone points a gun face-to-face with Lois (short hair!)
Tempus in Tempus, Anyone
That crazy mother in Oedipus Wrecks
Annette in It's a Small World After All
And I think there was Arianna in Madame Ex.

Hope I helped smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)