I had a hard time choosing between your options. I had a problem with your definition of Intelligent Design:

I believe that everything evolved, but God had His hands in it somehow. (Intelligent Design)
The problem is the phrase "everything evolved."

That is not how the people I know who subscribe to Intelligent Design would describe it. Most of them do NOT believe that people and animals evolved from more primitive creatures through a process of natural selection over millions of years. Their beliefs are much closer to creationists, i.e. God created man at a specific time less than 6,000 years ago, in his own image. They accept the idea of evolution on a small scale, as long as it applies to animals and not humans. They accept the existence of fossils, but dispute their age as given by scientists.

I finally chose to say that I "believe" in evolution. That is not to say that evolution is a religion (even though some of my students claim that it is). I have not personally examined the mountains of evidence that went into developing the Theory of Evolution, but I believe the scientists who have spent their lives studying the evidence, and they have come up with the best explanation they could. However, my belief in evolution does not rule out a belief in God. God does not have to personally direct each breath we take; He has set up a mechanism so that our bodies usually breathe on their own. He also does not have to personally direct each raindrop; He has set up certain conditions that bring about rain. So it is conceivable that God could set up the mechanism of evolution and use it to create humanity. Many Christian denominations accept this and have no conflict with the Theory of Evolution.

However, it is impossible to believe in both the Theory of Evolution ("people and animals evolved from more primitive creatures through a process of natural selection over millions of years") AND the literal word-for-word truth of the Bible. If you insist that every word in the Bible is true, you must believe that the world and everything in it was created in seven days. I will not argue with you because I will never change your mind. If you believe that the Bible was written by inspired but imperfect humans and it is colored by their perceptions and the ages that they lived in, then it is possible to accept evolution as the means by which God brought about creation. And if you are a complete nonbeliever, you will have no conflict at all.

I do not mean to argue religion with people, and this is not the place to do it. I also know that I have not expressed this as well as I would like. But I felt that the options listed in the poll did not really fit and it bothered me enough that I had to comment.