I'm rather fond of the story displays at fanfiction.net - because those can be directly imported from a word processor and therefore allow all formatting like bold/italics to be conserved.
And I stopped putting any of my fic on fanfiction.net over a year ago because their HTMLing system deletes the row of asterisks I use as section breaks - so my fic turned into one long chunk with POV switching all over the place. :p They also now insist on upload by chapter, so I can't upload a long fic in one go and I also need to have each chapter saved separately on my hard drive, which I never do. :p

I love the HTML display that Annette has on Annesplace, and she uses a similar one for me on the Doctor Who fanfic site she made me. These days, all the fic I read online is in HTML format, which makes it even harder to go back to look at anything on the L&C archive, because of the font, the proportional spacing, the short lines and the lack of real formatting. I think we must be one of the very few online archives that still sticks to plain text.

But then I've voted for HTML every time the question's been asked. wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*