With the exception of "The Clone"(which I think could have been a much more interesting plot), "Lois being Wanda" and especially the "New Kriptonians"(which didn't make any sense to me) episodes, I really loved season 3.

Ordinary People is my favorite not because of the A-Plot, but because of the B-Plot, Lois and Clark in the island.

I also liked : The Irish Eyes are killing - because of Clark's jealousy and for Lois not taking him back so easily; Just say Noah - Lois and Clark making up; Don't Tug on Superman's Cap - the A-plot was funny and it was interesting to see Lois and Clark's concerns about marriege; Tempus, Anyone? - We get to meet Alt Clark; Virtually Destroyed - L&C conversation; etc.

There were many other scenes and episodes that I liked but I guess that's enough.


Clark: What is that?
Lois: It's my word.
Clark: There is no such word.
Lois: Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore, he's chumpy.
Clark: Try again.
Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am.