I indicated that I'd be willing to read other fics, but I'm like Phil in the regard that I think that Lois is really the only woman for Clark (and remember, I gave him a Lois in the Future series), and that Clark is one of only two men for Lois (guess who the other one is wink ).

The key as to whether I'd be interested in reading an alternative romance is the set-up. What is the reason for the different set of partners and is it believeable. I never got behind the BAtP, and HoL episodes because I was never convinced the Lois would even have anything to do with Lex Luthor, let alone accept a marriage proposal.

But I do believe that if it came to the loss of the other, Lois would be better able to eventually deal with it than would Clark. She's just emotionally stronger than he is. She would be able to 'live' again, most likely alone. Clark needs someone. He's dependant on having someone around who can be his anchor, and can reflect his 'humanity' back at him.

Bottom line, if it's a good story, that is well written, I'm likely to give it a shot, but I prefer Lois and Clark together.

Tank (who actually prefers Lois and Tank together, but there isn't much call for that kind of fic)