My reply is Other... because I think that both options are useful in a story. If a story is primarily from one person's point of view, then the first option works well, if it is from an omnicient third person point of view, then the second one works. It's important to 'hear' a person's inner thoughts to understand their motivations. But I do have to say that too much introspection can kill a story - you have to have that action! And the term 'too much' is a bit subjective - where is it found in the story, for eg? In the middle of the action? Bad, IMHO. At the beginning of the story/chapter is often good, as long as it doesn't take too long for the action to start. And if it's a short story, for heaven's sake, a *little* introspection goes a long way smile

Melisma (shutting up now, here under her Rock)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda