I voted for 'anytime the inspiration strikes', although to me it would be 'anytime I feel like writing'. I often think about ideas for my stories and make plans in my mind, i.e. when I'm eating, when I'm showering, during the commercial breaks in the TV... whenever. But it doesn't mean I'm in the mood to type right then, plus I may not be able to write at that moment. But I happen to write the most late at night 11 pm-2 am. I know it's late, but that's when I find some spare time when I have school.
Now that I don't have school, I write whenever the PC is available (I have 2 little brothers, you see!!), including my favorite times 11 pm-4 am (yes, I stay up THAT late sometimes!!).

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...