I read in installments mostly... apart from those stories that are posted here, or on the archive complete, obviously smile

When I first had regular 24 hour a day access to the internet (Woo-hoo! for the UK university system!) I would make regular visits to the computer room on a Sunday, waiting for the archive to update... and then I'd read all the new additions in one big overdose of fanfic. Not forgetting that at that time TUFS and Season Five were being posted.

Once I've started a story, I just can't stop... this has lead to marathon sessions in front of a computer screen... I can't ration fanfic. So of course all that reading would take out most of my Mondays and sometimes Tuesdays too, and this was bad. Well, in theory.

Anyway, then Zoom's boards came along, and it was the end of all my woes! Fanfic, in handy bite-sized chunks. What more could a girl want!

My social life improved, my results picked up, I discovered that there was more to Mondays that fanfic... Lectures for instance. wink

I was a happy bunny. And I still am laugh


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.