Update on the computer problems... Finally got it to come up to the wallpaper (and nothing else!). From there, I used task manager to start IE. Got on livechat with tech support. Suggested system restore. So (even though I'd done that) I restored to the earliest possible date I could get it. Tech also suggested that I back up all my files, then wipe out the system and start over. Since the system thing worked, I tried backing up the files. Couldn't get it to do exactly that, but managed to get most of what I wanted off (you know, like currents WIPs and important FOLC related stuff laugh ). Couldn't get the dang CD Rom to read the CD when I got to my pictures! mad

Anyway, used the Registry Mechanic that kmar suggested. You wouldn't believe the gunk that thing found! cat Also downloaded a spyward thingy from the same company. It found crap all my other stuff hasn't been able to find! So, got all that cleaned up and it's still running! I'm not holding my breath, but I can already tell a difference in the speed. Maybe this has worked.

You guys are the best. When I had a problem, you came running with great suggestions. I'm going to try what Marcus suggested, too- making sure everything's tight, dust free, yada yada.

Wish me luck that it keeps working. I really can't afford a new machine right now. But hey, if it does have to go out this is the best weekend for it. (It's the tax free holidays here in SC and GA!)

SQD (thanks again guys)