In every post I see, the icon for 'report this post to a moderator' at the bottom of the post, has been replaced with a picture of Tempus, a picture big enough to block some of the post in the text. Which is both weird and annoying.

I thought that I couldn't be the only one that this was happening too, but since it's been like this all day and no one else has mentioned it, maybe it is just me? Or perhaps it's like the elephant in the living room, everyone can see it, but no one is mentioning as they're all too polite.

I mean, who wouldn't ignore the madman from the future who's appeared to take over the internet, starting with these boards, in order to prevent utopia?

Well, he is a darn nice guy after all.


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.