DVDShrink "rips" the DVD files onto your hard drive. You can play those files with PowerDVD, etc, but they're not very convenient. The movie often gets broken up into smaller chunks, so you have to open several files, and a lot of programs won't be able to read them at all.

So you need to rip the files onto your hard drive and then convert them into a more useful format (a lot of people use DivX or Xvid). You need a conversion program to do that, which is what Doranwen was talking about.

For conversion software, there are a lot of choices and they seem to work better for some people than others. I know people who swear by AutoGK, but I have never gotten it to work for me. I'd never heard of Mpeg Mediator, but I tried that tonight and got an error. I've tried VirtualDub, GordianKnot, gui4ffmpeg, all of which work for some people but have given me problems. It seems to me that everyone just has to try several different programs and find one that works for them and their computer <g>.

I've been using Avi.NET lately, which I'm very pleased with. I've also used SimpleDivx in the past... Anyway, there are lots of options and you might have to play around until you find the best one for you. The best source of info I know on converting video files is again dvdrhelp.com\'s conversion section .

Good luck!