Wow smile1

Terry and Aria, I'm so darned thrilled you guys liked the Lois/Lex banter laugh I have something of a phobia about writing dialogue, so I'm ridiculously happy you both commented on it smile

Terry and Wendy - thank you both for your comments about how Lex's death is going to affect Lois thumbsup They inspired some extra lines in the last scene - hope I managed to cover the issue adequately smile

Maybe made to be broken, only to be put back together again, better than before.
Karen, you're wonderful - this was the whole idea behind naming it Made to be Broken <g>

Nan said;

At the worst, it might be ruled a case of justifiable homicide, but more likely it would be ruled either self-defense or an accident, since Lois wasn't actually trying to kill him. She was simply trying to keep him from killing her.
I have to say that this was my feeling when I wrote this scene smile She was clearly acting in self-defence, and since the fact that he'd kidnapped her was made clear to the police long before he went devilsplat , I would have figured that the DA wouldn't have wasted time trying to press charges in such a clear-cut case of self-defence.

And Terry, once again, thank you for this comment;

There may only be one more post on this story, but it's not over, not by a long shot.
That was one of the things that annoyed me when I was writing this story - that however long I made it, or however much I tried to explore it, in a way it would never be over. So I decided to leave it at just one more post - and trust me, trying to work in a somewhat happy ending took some doing! - and I guess everything else will have to remain unexplored territory... like a lot of Lois and Clark, I guess smile

And along that vein... before anybody mentions a certain s-word... no. No way. Not a chance, never. <g>

And a certain somebody put the idea about posting the last part today into my head <g> so I'm running off to close my eyes, cross my fingers and click the scary button for the last time smile Once again, *thank you all*! You've made my day!

Sara [bouncing allllll the way to the "post new topic" button <g>]

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black