I know, I saw rumors this summer, but I didn't think anything of them at the time. I wonder if those rumors tied to the real find if they are just being conflated with a real find.

I will say Radio Times said previously unreleased Second Doctor eps would be released on iTunes later this week. Don't know if it's true. I thought about the Underwater Menace recently recovered (and not yet released officially, correct?), but that's only one Troughton ep, and the Galaxy 4 was Hartnell.

The timing seems strange - speculation (only rumors, I don't know any concrete basis) is now that they might have had the eps for a while. Or at least been negotiating/arranging for them since the beginning of the year. I'd think restoration would be necessary, too, but maybe they'll do unrestored cheaper downloads vanilla dvds now (for the 50th) and the better ones later? Don't know.

I enjoy the speculation - it's good entertainment value. But I'm not going to get attached to any numbers or titles just yet.

Edited to add: now Deborah Watling's site says she and Frazer Hines will be helping the BBC launch the newly found episodes on the 10th, so I guess there were some Two/Jamie/Victoria episodes found.