Honestly? I liked the video, especially when that puppet pops up and Vader yanks out his lightsaber. I chuckled.

And George has always had it in his head to do a trilogy of trilogies in the Star Wars universe. That's something that I first read when the Empire first struck back.

By the way, the buzz is that they're looking to use new but not unknown faces in ST 7. One of the actors rumored to be in the running for Han's part is Ryan Gosling. Y'all tell me if you think that's a good idea, because I don't know.

Yes, bad ST is still better than hysterical Twi-tards streaming out of the theater arguing over Team Jacob or Team Edward. Of course, you could just make this film for real.

As for new Star Wars stuff, what about the Pink Five series? Pick the ones with Stacy in them. She rocks.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing