And I think the easy attitude to rules and newbies makes a difference, too. I get really angry when I see how some forums treat new members, always jumping on them from a height if they make a simple mistake or ask a question that's been asked before. Or acting as though someone just ran over their kitten if they misplace a post. [Roll Eyes] It's just so unnecessary. It's not a huge deal.
I want to add my kudos because this is such a great place to be. And I totally agree with LabRat. I recently joined another forum and have never seen such an unfriendly place to be and this forum has kids on it. You are allowed 5 "Warns" before you get kicked off the board. I got one warn for saying I liked someone's art. That wasn't allowed, don't you know. I got my second warn for answering someone's question about the forum. But I wasn't supposed to answer the question in the thread. I was supposed to PM them. I'm not sure it's worth it. Again thanks for running such a great board.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~