Thank you again Carol, I'll try it. Definitely would be worth saving the $. One other computer related question, if I may...My former computer had Trend Micro Internet Security on it. I believe it just had AntiVirus not also AntiSpyware. The new computer came with a free 60 day trial version of Norton Internet Security 2010.

The pc I had before my last one ran Norton and Spysweeper. The were slow, customer service awful, but worked--until a virus killed the computer not even after 2 years. eek grumble

My last computer was not compatible with SpySweeper, I don't believe this one is either. A family member who is much more pc literate than me, had recommended Trend. He said it did a good job, used less RAM, and was also cheaper.

Honestly, I don't know one from the other. blush I just want this computer to last! I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Thank you,