I put this in OT because it's not directly L&C related (though it could be next year, if we wanted).

I'm not sure if any of you have heard of the Support Stacie Auction, which has just begun and I just learned about through the Twilight fandom.

Here's a cut and paste explanation of what it is and who Stacie is:

"In March 2007, Stacie Holeman, known as truelovepooh in fandom and on LJ, was diagnosed with breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Because she was within the 90-day enrollment period of her new medical insurance, Stacie has been forced to join the ranks of millions of uninsured Americans.

Two years and several surgeries later, Stacie has over $240,000 in accumulated medical bills and is struggling to continue treatment. Basic elements of her cancer protocol, such as radiation treatments, medication, and hospitalization, are either limited or completely unavailable to her without up-front cash payment. The fight for her life is literally dependent upon her ability to pay cash for medical care.

Friends of Stacie, or Pooh, as she is known to friends, have formed the volunteer group Support Stacie at www.supportstacie.net (or www.supportstacie.org, the site which omits any fandom references). We are continually raising money for Pooh both through direct donations via paypal to supportstacie@gmail.com, or by holding fundraisers such as the Author Auctions.

The Author Auctions, which began in September 2008, allow fandom authors to put themselves on the auction block, donating their time in order to raise funds for Stacie to receive medical treatment. Authors are committing to donating their time to the winning bidder by accepting the winning bidder’s writing challenge. "

All the proceeds go towards Stacie's ongoing medical expenses for breast and ovarian cancer. I looked at the fandoms participating and was completely blown away by the amount of support this woman has been getting and I just think it's so awesome.

If you wanna check it out (maybe make a bid or two? smile ), here's a list of the fandoms/authors participating. Click.

I also wanted to share because I thought it would be really cool for us to maybe share some of our talent for such a great cause next time they have one of these author auctions. Lord knows we've got tons to spare. smile

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!