I loved the original (hated the Hoff)... and I was pretty excited about it being reworked.

I can deal with a different car, even a different KITT voice (loved the original black pontiac trans am and William Daniels).. and the new Michael is much easier on the eyes, but they didn't get the storyline right IMHO.

I think there is huge potential for a show about a man and his car making a difference, with and without a huge team behind it... but this version of KR didn't quite pull it off.

There is also a lot of stuff for original fans seemingly strategically placed into the show to try and keep them on board, when in actual fact, most of us were groaning and wincing. Battlestar Galactica (also a Glen Larson original) proved you can re-image a show and still offer up a successful franchise if it is done right.

They even convinced the original voice of CARR to come back (some of you may know him as Optimus Prime or Eeyore now-a-days)... but that episode was so.. so... so... non-eventful for want of a better word.

I think the last 2 eps were finally getting it back on track in the spirit of the original, but without someone like Glen Larson there to help make it right... I don't think it was ever going to succeed.

For some reason every time they try and redo KR, the forget the original concept and it fails... miserably.

The car is nice though. I could happily drive around in one of those. smile

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box